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On this page you will find links to a selection of our previous Bordeaux Wine Magazines. Just click on the link to see a past issue.

2016 Bordeaux Wine Magazines

The latest issue of this Magazine and the Bordeaux Vintage Special are available for subscribers only. You can acces all other previous issues through the links below. You can subscribe on the right hand side of this page and you will receive the most recent issue and the Bordeaux Vintage Special in your mailbox. The Bordeaux wine Magazine is a free service for wine lovers all over the world.

September 2016 Bordeaux Wine Magazine: Harvest update, Getting hooked on Bordeaux and the 2017 program

(for subscribers only)

  • A Personal Note From Ronald
  • The 2016 Bordeaux vintage is looking good
  • Warning: Our Bordeaux Wine Tours can be addictive
  • Our 2017 Bordeaux Wine Tour Program
  • And much more

July 2016 Bordeaux Wine Magazine: Ronald and Margaret 25 years, Cité du Vin and last call for September and much more

  • A Personal Note From Ronald
  • 25th Wedding anniversary, our Garden Party
  • Bordeaux and the Cité du Vin
  • Last double room and last single for September 2016: That’s all folks!
  • Our 2017 Bordeaux Wine Tour Program
  • And much more

July 2016 Bordeaux Wine Magazine: Ronald and Margaret 25 years, Cité du Vin and last call for September and much more

  • A Personal Note From Ronald
  • 25th Wedding anniversary, our Garden Party
  • Bordeaux and the Cité du Vin
  • Last double room and last single for September 2016: That’s all folks!
  • Our 2017 Bordeaux Wine Tour Program
  • And much more

July 2016 Bordeaux Wine Magazine: Ronald and Margaret 25 years, Cité du Vin and last call for September and much more

  • A Personal Note From Ronald
  • 25th Wedding anniversary, our Garden Party
  • Bordeaux and the Cité du Vin
  • Last double room and last single for September 2016: That’s all folks!
  • Our 2017 Bordeaux Wine Tour Program
  • And much more

2015 Bordeaux Wine Magazines

July 2016 Bordeaux Wine Magazine: Ronald and Margaret 25 years, Cité du Vin and last call for September and much more

  • A Personal Note From Ronald
  • 25th Wedding anniversary, our Garden Party
  • Bordeaux and the Cité du Vin
  • Last double room and last single for September 2016: That’s all folks!
  • Our 2017 Bordeaux Wine Tour Program
  • And much more

July 2016 Bordeaux Wine Magazine: Ronald and Margaret 25 years, Cité du Vin and last call for September and much more

  • A Personal Note From Ronald
  • 25th Wedding anniversary, our Garden Party
  • Bordeaux and the Cité du Vin
  • Last double room and last single for September 2016: That’s all folks!
  • Our 2017 Bordeaux Wine Tour Program
  • And much more

July 2016 Bordeaux Wine Magazine: Ronald and Margaret 25 years, Cité du Vin and last call for September and much more

  • A Personal Note From Ronald
  • 25th Wedding anniversary, our Garden Party
  • Bordeaux and the Cité du Vin
  • Last double room and last single for September 2016: That’s all folks!
  • Our 2017 Bordeaux Wine Tour Program
  • And much more

Latest blog posts

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    To decant or not to decant, that’s the question

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    New Bordeaux Grand Cru Harvest Tour Trailer online

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